3D Roulette: What Is It and Is It Worth Your Try?

Roulette is definitely one of the best-known games played in casinos both online and offline. Its popularity is drawn from the fact that the game delivers that top-notch kind of excitement among players. With an ever increasing demand for roulette gaming, variations are being made to further amp up the public’s interest with the game. This leads to the creation of various roulette game versions, some are quite fascinating while others are just plain unusual even for veteran players.

3D Roulette

One of the most advanced roulette game version that came out online is the 3D Roulette. Despite the name, the game has no big difference with the roulette we fondly know of. However, it does have its own exciting features that can’t be found anywhere.

So what’s separate the 3D Roulette from that of a regular roulette? Graphics. The 3D Roulette is mainly played on web casinos and has three-dimensional graphical presentation.

3D Roulette uses the same roulette wheel design as that of the European version which only has one zero. It is a well-known fact that the double zeroed American roulette has got twice the house edge as that of the European. This further decreases the players chances of earning substantial amount of profits.


People love playing 3D Roulette because of its breath-taking user interface design. The sound, the lighting angles, and the overall details of the game are so realistic that it feels like you’re playing inside a roulette casino.

To take realism into a much higher level, you can make group and individual bets as well as bet on a sequence colours and numbers when playing 3D Roulette.

How To Play

To reiterate, 3D Roulette shares similar game mechanics as that of the roulette games you can find in brick and mortar casinos. But for those who haven’t known it yet, a roulette player is supposed to make a prediction as to what numbered pocket the roulette ball or pill will land.

The player can choose a number or more from the 37 numbers found on the wheel and on the roulette betting layout. He will then place a wager or a combination of it. The payout of each bet is based on the kind of wager placed. The higher the coverage of the bet, the lesser is the payout.

The rules observed while playing 3D Roulette is still identical with that of the standard roulette. When starting the game, the player selects the appropriate chip value as well as the amount of the bet to be placed. This is all done by simply clicking on the icons.

To find out what’s the winning number, the player only has to hit the spin button and enjoy the gorgeous cinematic and sound effects as the wheel turns.

Winning the game means the number or color you bet on came out in the spin. A congratulatory pop up message usually appears on the screen. You will then be informed on the amount of money you’ve won. When you lose, you could simply just repeat the bet or make another one (or a set of bets) and then hit the spin button again.

With its mind-blowing graphics and over-the-top presentation, we’re quite confident that you will love to play 3D Roulette.



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