We thought that the first part of our post about the common mistakes new roulette players commit wasn’t able to cover much of the subject. So, we opted to bring to you a sequel to the topic in hopes that you can have a fruitful and enjoyable online roulette gaming experience.
To recap, we talked about the errors novice players commit such as choosing the wrong type of roulette game, playing without a budget in mind, using the wrong betting system, and wallowing in boredom. Click this link if you missed the article and want to know more about it.
To proceed, here are more mistakes that newbie roulette gamers do when playing in online casinos:
- Betting on both Even and Odds at the same time
We know that making outside bets like Even/Odds is a relatively safer way to play and win in online roulette. Novice players, however, would go beyond as to betting on both Odd and Even at the same time. As expected, these kinds of bets just cancel out each other and while there’s none to lose, there’s also none to gain. It’s definitely a horrible idea to do so.
- Betting on both Black and Red at the same time
Again, some online roulette players think that it’s a good idea to place multiple bets at the same time. Like the Even/Odds betting mistake, newbies also commit the error of placing wagers in Black and Red at the same time.
If, in both cases, you are not sure what color or which number group to go to, then you can try to opt in with inside bets. The chances of winning might be a tad lower, but the payout is way bigger than those that can be made with outside bets.
- Playing roulette with real money right away
Like every endeavours in life, practice does make it perfect. And this also applies when playing online roulette. If you’re new to the game or just starting to build the confidence to take on with the real spin, we highly recommend that you take it for a dry run before putting on your real money at stake. And the best way to do it is to play free roulette games. They are free from any risk, and while there’s no real cash involved, it’s still you who gets the profit because you become more acquainted and more honed with the game. Now, you’re quite ready to take on the real game.
- Sticking on a single number
Sure, there are lucky numbers to bet when playing roulette but are they worth sticking to even when luck is still hard to find? Many experts believe that going for a straight up every time is a sure way to lose your bankroll. The fact is, the chance of winning a straight up is pretty slim. The house is also confident that it’s hard to pull off a win with this bet that’s why they pay a lot of cash (35:1) if you’d manage to do so.
- Avoiding a straight up bet
Now, you might say we’re contradicting our statements. What we mean here is that you could not just ignore betting on single number. Yes, it’s risky but the good payoff is too hard to ignore. The truth is, it’s a different kind of thrill to be had when you pull off these kinds of high-risk stunts. So our advice, throw down a minimum of one straight up bet for every online roulette session you play. If the outcome doesn’t favor you, at least you can say that you tried it. Of course, if your number does come up, then a 35:1 payout is going straight to your pocket.
Do you know of other errors committed by novice roulette players that we missed in this list? Sound off in the comments below. We’d surely love what you have to say.