How Do People in the Past Beat the Roulette Odds?

Over the years, there have been number of methods being used by roulette players to beat the odds in the game. Some of them may be deemed illegal, while others may pass as somewhat legitimate; they just have to make sure not to catch the attention of the casino. If it does happen, these establishments would be too happy to kick them off the table or ban them for good.

In this article, we look at some of the strategies used in the past to increase their odds of winning roulette.

The first one would be tampering the frets. What players do here is loosen up the fret or a pocket separator. If they succeed to do so, it will influence the ball to bounce and settle into an adjacent number pocket.

You might be wondering how they were able to do this in a land-based casino, well, things are different back then. In the past, gambling houses aren’t that strict on players crowding around a table or leaning on it. Some even lay their hands outside the rim of the wheel. Still, establishments will just leave the roulette wheel exposed during the off hours or after a game. This makes it possible for patrons to tinker on this very important roulette game instrument.

Now, pocket separators can be loosened using a pair of pliers. However, bringing around this odd tool in a place like this would obviously rouse some attention. Which is why, professionals would devise a tool that has a slot on it, and is as thick as the fret itself. With it, he can just simply slip the tool over a particular fret and twist or bend it slightly.

What happens next is that the now defective separator will absorb the energy of the roulette ball, and instead of bouncing frantically, like it normally does, the bounce would become muted and more predictable.

People would usually tamper two to three number pockets only to maintain the overall normal effect of the wheel.

The second strategy would involve the sleight of hand. In the game of roulette, any bets placed after the croupier announced “no more bets, please,” are deemed invalid and will not be honoured if it wins. However, there are people who manage to take advantage of the fact that a roulette table, especially during peak hours, can get crowded. The dealer, on the other hand, is all by himself and there’s only so much that his two eyes can watch over. The technique being used here is called Past-Posting.

What happens here is that normally, after dropping the ball, the dealer will focus his attention on the wheelhead to verify the winning number and announce it to everyone playing. Eagle-eyed players will also keep notice of the upcoming result. With a quick manipulation of the chips and the dealer not looking at the betting layout, he should be able to take the chance to slip in a bet on the winning number. Other players, meanwhile, will hardly notice what the post-poster has been doing as they themselves are preoccupied of stacking their chips or placing their bets for the next round.

While this feat can be done alone, there are instances when a player has to employ the assistance of a spotter. The latter will position in close proximity to the roulette wheel. Any information he gets, he quickly relays to his bettor accomplice.

Most common scenario would be, that the bettor will be standing at the far end of the betting layout and is already positioning a stack of chips on the center column (which is a column bet). Once he gets the cue, he will push his bets either on the left or right, depending on what’s winning.

With expert precision, timing, and incredible speed, this stunt would be too hard to notice.

With the advancement of technology coupled with an ever tightening security measures, all the practices mentioned above have now come close to non-existence.

Common Mistakes Novice Roulette Players Commit Part 2

We thought that the first part of our post about the common mistakes new roulette players commit wasn’t able to cover much of the subject. So, we opted to bring to you a sequel to the topic in hopes that you can have a fruitful and enjoyable online roulette gaming experience.

To recap, we talked about the errors novice players commit such as choosing the wrong type of roulette game, playing without a budget in mind, using the wrong betting system, and wallowing in boredom. Click this link if you missed the article and want to know more about it.

To proceed, here are more mistakes that newbie roulette gamers do when playing in online casinos:

  1. Betting on both Even and Odds at the same time

We know that making outside bets like Even/Odds is a relatively safer way to play and win in online roulette. Novice players, however, would go beyond as to betting on both Odd and Even at the same time. As expected, these kinds of bets just cancel out each other and while there’s none to lose, there’s also none to gain. It’s definitely a horrible idea to do so.

  1. Betting on both Black and Red at the same time

Again, some online roulette players think that it’s a good idea to place multiple bets at the same time. Like the Even/Odds betting mistake, newbies also commit the error of placing wagers in Black and Red at the same time.

If, in both cases, you are not sure what color or which number group to go to, then you can try to opt in with inside bets. The chances of winning might be a tad lower, but the payout is way bigger than those that can be made with outside bets.

  1. Playing roulette with real money right away

Like every endeavours in life, practice does make it perfect. And this also applies when playing online roulette. If you’re new to the game or just starting to build the confidence to take on with the real spin, we highly recommend that you take it for a dry run before putting on your real money at stake. And the best way to do it is to play free roulette games. They are free from any risk, and while there’s no real cash involved, it’s still you who gets the profit because you become more acquainted and more honed with the game. Now, you’re quite ready to take on the real game.

  1. Sticking on a single number

Sure, there are lucky numbers to bet when playing roulette but are they worth sticking to even when luck is still hard to find? Many experts believe that going for a straight up every time is a sure way to lose your bankroll. The fact is, the chance of winning a straight up is pretty slim. The house is also confident that it’s hard to pull off a win with this bet that’s why they pay a lot of cash (35:1) if you’d manage to do so.

The pocket number 17 in a roulette wheel
  1. Avoiding a straight up bet

Now, you might say we’re contradicting our statements. What we mean here is that you could not just ignore betting on single number. Yes, it’s risky but the good payoff is too hard to ignore. The truth is, it’s a different kind of thrill to be had when you pull off these kinds of high-risk stunts. So our advice, throw down a minimum of one straight up bet for every online roulette session you play. If the outcome doesn’t favor you, at least you can say that you tried it. Of course, if your number does come up, then a 35:1 payout is going straight to your pocket.

Do you know of other errors committed by novice roulette players that we missed in this list? Sound off in the comments below. We’d surely love what you have to say.


Common Mistakes Novice Roulette Players Commit

Roulette has a straightforward premise and that is to correctly predict where the ball lands in the roulette wheel. Simple, yet this casino game is attracting players by the millions because of the unparalleled thrill and huge profits that could potentially be experienced and earned. But not everyone is lucky enough to get all these.

While some leave their tables with a smile, others leave with their hands in their pocket, looking sombre and beaten. Most of the people that belong to the latter group are typically those who have just started playing the game. If you feel like you are one of them, then this article is for you.

The truth of the matter is, it’s understandable for a novice roulette player to make some big mistakes in the game. Most beginners often find themselves being carried away by the moment that is why they tend to bet carelessly. Overconfidence with their luck can also be a culprit for a newbie player to lose his bankroll quickly.

Being aware of such mistakes can not only help the player avoid the pitfalls but also make it possible for him to have a positive experience of this beautiful game of chance. So, here are more of the common roulette mistakes made by beginners.

  1. Bad choice of game

Just because they already know how to place their bets on the roulette table, a lot of new players commit the beginner’s mistake by choosing just about any roulette game and going on it without doing any research. Especially if you are playing in a UK casino website, there can be a lot of roulette game variants to choose from aside from the popular ones like the American, European and French roulette versions.

The mistake here is that by blindly choosing a game, they might end up playing a roulette that has the worst house edge. Yes, we’re referring exactly to the American roulette which has 5.26% casino advantage. More on the house edge in this article.

Our advice is to always find a way to play at a European table which has an edge half of the American roulette.

  1. Playing without a budget in mind

We admit that online roulette can be very exciting and that it is best experienced when played in a fast pace. That is why, a lot of novice players are often too eager to get into the action and as a result, they may forget to set a budget for playing beforehand. Whether it is done in online or offline casino, jumping right away into a real money game without first checking the bankroll is like suicide: most often than not, you’ll end up burning it all away like it’s nothing.

Expert roulette players take their time to size up their playing budget and set limits on what they intend to lose. That is why they are mostly successful in their games. It goes without saying then that it’s best for you to follow their lead. If you wish to know more about bankroll management and setting up limits check this post and this one.

  1. Using the wrong betting system

Another mistake a newbie player could commit is to use the wrong betting system. Just because the Martingale, for example, promises huge gains at every game, doesn’t mean it’s the route to take. Martingale, like the other similar betting strategies, works in negative progressions which means you double your bet for every bet lost. This scheme can eat up your payroll fast. On the contrary, positive progressions like this method works in a way that the player is only called to bet more when winning but bet less when losing.

Not all betting systems are perfect. Beginners should better use systems that are easy to understand and use. Moreover, they should be positively progressive and not the opposite.

  1. To get stuck in a rut

As with any other activities we do in life, getting stuck in a rut is the worst thing that could happen when playing roulette. Because of boredom, newbies might resort in doing stunts like betting inappropriately which could put the health of their bankroll in peril. This can also happen when you play emotionally.

Our advice is to take a step back, relax, stretch, and do something that could veer away your attention from the game, even for a moment. This can refresh your outlook and get you ready for the next round.

These mistakes and more others that are yet to be mentioned could lead to major losses for novice players. Being aware of these situations can help any roulette enthusiast to have a better chance of staying in the game for much longer and thus increasing his odds of winning.

5 tips that will help you win at the roulette table

Roulette has been both a source of joy and frustration to many of its players due to its precarious nature. Whether the player is a pure novice or a self-regarded expert, the chance of getting the odds in his/her favor is the same for both of them. And why is this the case? It’s because no person can predict the pocket to which the ball will settle on the roulette wheel. But what if there’s a realistic way for you to increase your possibility of winning?

There are a handful of articles written out there about winning roulette strategies that are often laid out in easy simple steps but almost none of them work. In our site, however, we closely look at the 5 ways where you can pump up your chances of bagging the pot while enjoying the game of roulette.

  1. Master the basics first

There’s no better way to wrap yourself around this casino game but to learn its basic mechanics. The good thing here is that, unlike poker or blackjack, the game of roulette would only require its players to know how to place bets on the roulette table and wait for the wheel to determine the winning number.

A roulette table with casino players

A more detailed account of the betting options can be found here in our previous article, but there’s basically two main types of it – the inside and outside bets. The inside betting area is where players can bet on individual numbers. The outside betting area, meanwhile, reflects bets that are not as specific as the inside bets. Here, players can bet on the different properties of the table. To mention a few, there’s the classification of the numbers (by column, by row), the colors (red and black), number groupings (1-18, 19-36), and if the number is odd or even. Moreover, each area has its own categories of payouts.

  1. Go European
An example layout of an American roulette table

Most roulette players strongly advice to avoid the American roulette like plague.

We have previously pointed it out that this roulette betting layout favors more towards the house.

It should be noted that the American roulette wheel has 38 slots in total (0-36, a single zero, and another double zero) while the Old Continent only has 37 pockets (0-36 and a single zero).

The chances of winning in a European table are 1/37 or 2.7% while the risk gets higher in American casinos with only 1/38 or 2.63% win rate.

  1. Learn to take what you have won

Do not be too greedy. Seasoned casino players know better to reserve whatever they’ve won. To illustrate the point: Suppose you commenced with $70. A number of spins later, you now have $140, which is double from what you have invested. It would be wise to withdraw the profit into your account. When worse comes to its worst and your luck runs out, you won’t exactly lose the game but rather just drew even with it.

Multiple stacks of casino roulette chips
  1. Learn from history

What we mean here is for you to keep tabs on the previous rounds or spins that took place. This, by far, is one of the best roulette strategy we could mention as it helps the player to make a more sound prediction for the next round. For instance, a series of 7 black numbers were drawn out. The statistics clearly show that there’s a higher probability for the next pocket to be black. A lot of roulette players use this simple tip, and you should consider it, too.

  1. When hitting the online casino…

If you are the type of player that prefers the comfort of his/her own home rather than in a real casino establishment, make sure to only go to reputable online roulette websites. In this previous article, we tackle what strategies to use when playing online roulette. Furthermore, playing online offers the possibility to play for free while winning real money! Other than that, the relaxed environment of internet casinos help build confidence to those who are yet inexperienced to the game.

An image of a spinning roulette wheel

At the bottom of everything, the key to winning in roulette greatly depends on the wheel and the ball. Always keep in mind the fact that luck is the name of this game and for that, we wish you the best of luck!